Shushman Choudhury, Lead Research Scientist Shushman Choudhury, Lead Research Scientist

Curb Management: Less is More

How can a curb management algorithm scale up to an entire city and still produce near-real-time results? The answer may surprise you.

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Kelly Carvalho-Lewis, Head of Product Marketing Kelly Carvalho-Lewis, Head of Product Marketing

Wakanda is Closer Than You Think

Black Panther’s fictional land of Wakanda has an awe-inspiring transportation ecosystem — but what would it take to have one in the real world? The answer is only a few steps away.

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Brian Ng, Director Product Management Brian Ng, Director Product Management

0 to 60 Transportation Policy Creation

Quickly create policies, roll them out, measure operator compliance, and deactivate them—all in near-real time.

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Janet Titzler, Product Manager Janet Titzler, Product Manager

Billing Logs Just Got Sexier

This new feature helps finance managers make their invoicing processes more efficient, and helps cities estimate and measure the financial performance of policies.

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